This is my very first blog. And I am starting my blogging journey from this exciting topic which you have already recite above in the title. So hopefully you guys would give love and support this blog.



What is YouTube?


Defining YouTube is a kind of a waste of time because, in the present scenario, every 2nd person in this world is a regular user of YouTube. But then too, I would like to explain it a little bit. YouTube is a video making platform and this is a well-know application all over the world. We use YouTube to make videos and those videos can be related to many categories. YouTube is a fruitful platform for one who has the quality of expressing their emotions by making some wonderful videos.


What is TikTok?


On the other side, TikTok is also a well-known application. In starting it is known as musically but some time ago the CEO of the TikTok changed its name. In this platform, we can make 1-minute videos. But most of the people use this platform only making 15 seconds videos. This is all dependent upon you. So they both platform have their importance for person to person.


Why YouTube vs. TikTok?


Now we are going to talk about the entire controversies which happened due to a few YouTubers and tiktokers.


Stage 1: There is a famous YouTuber who has made a roast video on some famous tiktokers. It was just a roast video where he did not target any religion, cast, and anything. He just made a roast video for fun. On that video, he discussed some tiktokers who were making cringe videos there. That's all about that YouTuber who made firstly a roast video.


Stage 2: After his roast video, one of the famous tiktoker replied to his roast video by appearing live on Instagram. He replied entire roast video in his style. And he targeted all the YouTubers by saying that you do not respect content creators because we are also a content creator. After his video, he got only a negative response from his subscribers or followers. Somewhere he did wrong because it was just a roast video. And he did not react like this.


stage 3: Meanwhile, many YouTubers and tiktokers shared their perception of this. And even the biggest YouTubers of India reacted in this. 




Until now, this controversy is not getting end. Because everyone is sharing their opinion on this. In this blog, I did not use any name of the content creator. 

So hopefully you guys would like this post and stay tuned for the upcoming updates on this topic.






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  1. Thanks sir share this information.He has really sweet responses to basically all of these:] I really...... Loved this post.. This Blog ------ one the best blog.


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